Tuesday, 24 November 2009

brickiii laaannneee aggaaaainnnnnn..

ryttt yeeeaaahhhh, so az u all nooo, wer regularzz dwn bricki lane on a sunday az itz ryt nxt 2 mi gaff etc etc....wevvveee acquired sum fanzz along our travelzz.. da woman in da pic wiv glasses iz Rebal, shez a lesbian whoz from da hostel round cornerzzz--shez a leddgggg!!!!!,, da guy in da bluuueeyyy hat iz Mickyy-whoz also i majorrr ledgg!! n has i BIGISHHH softyyy-well hard spot (sorrry dat woz uncald 4 HHaaaaaa) lol 4 claudyyy lolzzzz, n az perr usual we got pappd ta fuk, by various hoxton-try-hardz,... xxxxxx

Lickkkk meeeee, Shhhaaaggggggg meeeeeeee...

for reputations sake, am nt gunna even trryy 2 explain how we acquired these cakezzz...

mi babbyyzzz in pariss, sunday shoot!!

my collection of to paris tomoroowwwww, for a shoot with Dazed and Confused,  n Ghostcat,,,i feel lyk ive losttt a child :(((,,,but itzzz bak on fridayy, nnnn wer duin a BIG FAT shooott on sunday dwn briki laneee for the stufff sooo come find uss n  joinnn innn ....lurvvzzzz xxxxxxx

postyyyy pat

we've decided da picz from the random mag partyy r actualiii wayyyy 2 badddd 4 the naked eye..but herez da postmannn...

and yesss people we gave himm seriousssssssssss grief ovaaa da strike!!!!!!!!

New York Shoot

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

hmmmm title

wooooo, a new proper post at last!!! this is Rhiannon btw, duno if this post fing iz gunna work..av neva used it befor.....ryyyttt, well basically we've both been sooooooooooo, soooooooooo, soooooooooooooooooooooooooo busy n i mean BUSY!!!, in the last few weeks doin this n that n everyfukinthing else...that there has been abzz noooo time for blogging, we've recorded it al, but actually putting it on here izz az loooonnnnnnggggggg az oxford st, well longer...btw sozzy 4 al the spelling/grammar/punctuation errorzz, ryt well am gunna stop babbllinnn n fill u in,,

the other week sumtymm, Random Magazines 'I AM TOMO' parrrtttaaayyyy...

werrr do i start???? oh yeah the avocado, mango n wait for ittt....fukin CHILLI fruit salad,, pos the worst thing eva 2 cum out of tescos!!! claudette had a RED HOT SHOCK as the reduced label-(the only reason she bought it) covered the the 3 hot chilli warning!!! haaa i thought it was quite entertaininggggg lolzzzzz...

ok so after the eventfulll bus journey, we arrived... the door man had to be reminded that Jones began with a J-fukin idiot!!! free vodka alll nytttt - yes ladies n gentzz we wer in the money!!! followed by puma goodie bagz (which consisted of sweetz n shorbread)- yes thrilling i no,,) morr free booze n some sexi live tuneezzz!!!, and when we thought it couldnt get any better a tray of the finest cup cakes arrived - only to be demolished n secondzz..-they where goooood..we later got banned from the cupcake tray but thatz a story form another post!

party died dwn earlyish- so with postman intoww-( thatz also another very lonnngg story) , we headed eastt sideeeeeee(american accent ) we missed da stop for my place n couldn't be bothered to get of at the next so stayyedddd on until the dalston superstore, we entered found our selvz a spot n plonked our frezzin a$$$'s dwn,....do you ever get the feeling your being stared at??? wel boyyyyy(i shud say girl) we got da feelin bbbbaaaaddd( american accent again),, it clicked that apart from postman pat, the bar was full of girllzzz,,,girlss with short hair,,,,girls with short hair lookin at us,, yes people u guessed it, we had gone to the once a year dalston lesbian get together...no im not jokin, a thur night in london a million billion trillion n one thingz to do, n we ended there...haaaaaaa, we actually stayed quite a while but when the eye contact got al to much we made a swift exit waited lykkk 44444evvvvaaaa for a bus n got home, n pissd ourselfz sum mor, haaaa gudd nyttt ;)

ok i have a million mor thingz to write about but this typin iz gettin 2 much....tune in later for mor actiiooon.. alsooo, my beloved samsung BROKEEEE :( i changed it for a new 1 but that 1 was shit so am waitin on another so until 'tesco direct' get ther batty together i cnt get da picz on comp hence da lack of picizzz....anywyzzz nyyyyyyytttt xxxx

Sunday, 1 November 2009


Taken in a free photobooth at Glam Show live where we found ourselves in the VIP area, consuming a total of 11 champagne glasses each [each worth £8]. We helped ourselves to the buffet lunch and watched the fashion show - as well as meeting a pregnant Nicky Hambleton-Jones.

Glam Show was held at Earls Court, where Britains Got Talent were holding auditions the same day. We wandered in and talked the talk - ending up escorted upstairs where we were told we would be filmed while singing infront of the producers of the show - the judges were not there.

However, we bottled it [remembering that crucially, we can't sing] and asked to go to the toilet - where we stayed for goodness knows how long - trying to think of a plan to make a quick exit...and then just legged it as fast as possible out of there!